- Publication Date: 1. May, 2016
- Publisher: Booklocker.com, Inc.
- Languages: English
- Available In: Paperback
- Format: 13.97 x 21.59 cm , 220 Pages
- ISBN: 1634919025
Book Details
Fool’s Journey Or How I Chased After Happiness Just To Find It Waiting For Me
After a painful divorce and with her 50th birthday approaching, a successful but burned-out writer takes three months off to travel through the United States. All alone:
The plan is to reconnect with her inner voice. To rediscover herself not as a mother or a wife, not as a friend and maybe not even as a writer but simply as a human being. But her inner voice says loud and clear: “I don’t want to be alone anymore “
In order to restore her belief in love, she visits all the happy couples she knows – hoping, of course, that their happiness will rub off on her. From Maine to Louisiana, from New York to Santa Cruz, each place, each couple teaches her something new. How did she end up being such a clich ? What happened to her dreams? And why is she so tired? Along the way she comes to terms with her past and, yes, in the end, she does fall in love – though not with a man, but with a tiny casita in Santa Fe. And a whole new story begins…
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Available in paperback
I meant to plan a road trip. For years I’d been talking about it. For my 50th birthday I would take three months off and drive across the US in a rental car, completely alone, completely without a set route or goal, following only my inner voice which would say “turn right here. Stop. Stay the night.” Or, “it’s boring here – go on.” Because my inner voice, in the course of my long and unhappily ended marriage, had gotten small and silent.
“Just me” didn’t exist. Couldn’t exist. And that was OK. That was how it was supposed to be. Living with young children, having a family and a career is hard enough without having an inner voice crying “and me, and me, and me?” But somewhere along the way that voice was needed again. Turns out it had atrophied, like an unused muscle. In the recent hard years it had been exercised only a little bit. Once in a while I imagined it literally, dangling from the parallel bars, painfully shimmying along like a physiotherapy patient after a serious accident, clumsy but hopeful.
What am I missing?
So I sat myself down and tried to listen.
Not much. Just Happiness.
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What Others Are Saying
Milena Moser masters the cliff of mid-life with charme and a sense of humour, and tells us how happiness can actually be found, even when it looks different from what we expected
– Coop Zeitung