– Rucha Bhawkar. Dear Rucha it would be easier to list what hasn’t changed since I started out, more than…Continue Reading: «How is it different when you began writing, and today?»

Schreiben – Eine Ermutigung
Wie ich Schriftstellerin wurde – und was ich über das Schreiben weiss. Mit all meinen Tipps und Tricks.
Erscheint am 14. März – in der Schweiz bereits am 27. Februar erhältlich!

Wenn du schreiben willst, dann kannst du das auch.

Milena Moser has an eagle’s eye and a hearing for the present, in which past and future can be tangled and unraveled. Montagsmenschen is a very serious novel, precisely because its comedy forces you to take matters of life into your own hands.”
– Pieke Biermann, Deutschlandradio 2012

Upcoming Workshop
Writing with Milena Moser
If you want to write, you can! My workshops are suitable for experienced writers of all genres as well as for absolute beginners. All you need is a desire to write, a willingness to pursue your own issues, to develop and strengthen your voice, and your unique way of storytelling.
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About Milena Mosers
Milena Moser is one of the most successful Swiss writers, author of over 20 books, many bestsellers, some adapted for the screen. She also published countless essays, articles, columns and radio plays, performed on stage and teaches Creative Writing Workshops. Born 1963 in Zurich, she now lives in San Francisco.
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Over the Shoulder of the Writers Desk
«How is it different when you began writing, and today?»
«Is it really the writer’s imagination or…
…the experience that counts when you want to write?» – Sethulakshmi Oh, dear Sethulakshmi! I feel like I am answering…Continue Reading: «Is it really the writer’s imagination or…